Unitrends offers one solution to protect your data no matter where it lives. To this end, Unitrends offers AWS backup.
This is where backup (and continuity) gets even more interesting. Think of it this way. In the beginning, there was backup. Backup was good. Then people wanted disaster recovery in case a meteor (or fire, or flood, or a host of other mundane things) destroyed their primary data center. So tapes – and the rotating of tapes – and the transportation of tapes – and the terrible anger at tapes not working, came to pass. Since most backup went to tape, backup was not so good. Then disk-based backup was born. But to handle disaster recovery, you still had to go to tape. Thus the anger raged unabated.
But just as it appeared that the rage would give way to violence, replication came to pass. Thus backups could be replicated between two data centers. Replication was good. But to get enough retention, IT professionals were forced to use – tape. The irony – and agony – was well understood.
At that point, the cloud was born. It was like magic (well, not so much to IT professionals, but their bosses who dreamed of ways to quit spending money on hardware and spend less money on IT professionals fell in love.) And thus came to pass a host of cloud backup vendors. Those vendors hired kale consuming immaculately groomed marketing people to run around and poke people to write blogs all the time bitterly complaining about the content of those blogs. (Wait – that’s hitting a little close to home – need to move on.)
But as more workloads moved into hyper-scale clouds such as AWS, it began to be obvious that backup was needed. Note that this wasn’t touted by the Hyperscale cloud vendors who talked about “inter-region replication” and “erasure codes” and other very technical sounding jargon – but couldn’t answer IT professionals’ questions such as “what if your cloud goes down?” and “how do I get last Tuesday’s file?” or “What happens if Ransomware eats my cloud server?” and so on. And thus backup within the cloud – and for the sake of this post – AWS backup – was born.
This is how it came to be that Unitrends offers one solution to protect your data no matter where it lives. To this end, Unitrends offers AWS backup.

Okay – now that we’ve gotten a brief history of backup out the way, let’s talk about what Unitrends offers specifically in terms of AWS backup, continuity, and overall data protection.
Unitrends now offers the following AWS backup and replication services:
- AWS backup: file and application level backup within AWS
- Replication, DRaaS, and recovery assurance from AWS to Unitrends Cloud
- Replication from AWS to Azure
- Replication from AWS to co-location data centers
- Replication from AWS to on-premises data centers
- On premises backup of over 200 versions of servers, storage, operating systems, and applications with archiving to AWS
So here’s what’s unbelievably cool. I actually run a Unitrends Recovery-Series physical appliance in my home. I run a Unitrends Backup instance in AWS. I run another Unitrends Backup instance in Azure. (Don’t tell the AWS people that we do Azure backup as well – it would distract and frighten them.) I replicate all of these in Unitrends Cloud, where I can spin up Windows, Hyper-V, and VMware instances and perform recovery assurance automation and orchestration testing as well. It’s like I was living in the future – one of the Jetsons!
As always, would love to hear your thoughts and opinions on AWS backup or any other topic.
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