I have read some requests recently of examples of Hyper-V in production use in companies around the world. Good news, Microsoft offers a site that delivers thousands of case studies discussing how Microsoft products are used around the world. When you search on the word Hyper-V you are presented with a list of 200 Microsoft Hyper-V case studies that can viewed by industry, business need or IT issue.
The case studies are pretty fascinating and very helpful to anyone who wants to know more about how Hyper-V can help them solve IT problems or deliver new technology solutions at a lower total cost of ownership.
The range of solutions presented is broad. There is an example of an $80-billion telecommunications company using Hyper-V to reduce IT spending by 15%. There are other examples of much smaller companies deploying Hyper-V to solve their problems. Take some time reviewing Microsoft case studies, you will probably find one that helps you plan your Hyper-V implementation.
Since we are discussing Microsoft web resources, there is one other page I would like to point you to, Microsoft’s Hyper-V Server 2012 site. On this page you can find features, benefits, white papers, migration tips and other resources that will help you get started with Hyper-V 2012.
When it comes time to select a backup solution for your Hyper-V implementation, Unitrends Enterprise Backup will fully protect your heterogeneous environment, including all your virtual machines as well as your physical servers and storage. Download a fully functioning trial version from the Unitrends web site today.