Sales Guy’s Backup Best Practices

This article originally appeared on Spiceworks blog,  The Pepper, and is posted on the Unitrends blog with their permission. It was written by Andrew Baron.

In an effort to repair relations with his IT team, Sales Exec Chad Brody decided to write up his own backup best practice list. He titled the document Back IT Up, @%!&# (The Pepper is unclear what the symbol swearing refers to, and… we’d like to keep it that way).

Brody felt the need to write up his list after several unfortunate IT-related incidents.

“After they caught me using my mouse as a doorstop, my laptop as a food tray, and my keyboard as a makeshift baseball bat, I guess I owed IT a little something,” Chad said as he sat on the company printer, clearly making copies of his posterior. “Boom!” he added.

  1. Don’t EVER Backup: Granted, backing up requires minimal effort. But it’s time and energy you could spend on a kick ass fantasy football roster… or napping.
  2. Store Files in Your Recycle Bin: Let’s face it: that little trash can is the most recognizable icon on your desktop. And who has time to waste searching through endless folders?
  3. Freak Out: If you ever discover you have lost valuable data, you’ll get the quickest response from IT if you freak the #$%! out. If your throat isn’t sore the next day, you weren’t screaming loud enough. And working up some tears won’t hurt. Just remember: You are the center of your IT department’s universe.
  4. Floppies: Dust free. Scratch-free. Durable. And cute as heck. Cloud shmoud. Plus, floppies provide the most nostalgic way to back up your files. Bonus: They double as the perfect coaster.
  5. Turn Your Data into Song: This one requires a bit of work (the worst), but it’s a sure bet. Just rewrite all of your data as song lyrics that you can recall in the event of a disaster. I’ve memorized all of my expense reports to the tune of Journey’s “Don’t Stop Believin’” (NOTE: this method does not work for photos)


We decided to consult with the experts on Chad’s backup advice. Sheryl Peters is a product manager at Unitrends, which provides backup, archiving, and disaster recovery solutions. After reading through the list, Sheryl had this to say: “Chad’s an idiot.”

We’d love to hear your opinions. Are these solid backup strategies?

Want to celebrate World Backup Day with Spiceworks & Unitrends (there will be prizes)? Reserve your seat now to watch the upcoming episode of CTRL+ALT+TECH LIVE on Thursday, March 31, 2016 at 4pm ET.


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