Why PHD Virtual Cloudhook is the best choice for offsite data protection

Offsite data protection and recovery which is rapidly becoming a key component in data protection and recovery strategies for businesses of all sizes. The reason is simple. Data is growing at an accelerated rate making it essential for companies to manage their backup, recovery and storage much more effectively and efficiently. Advancements in offsite data protection for virtual environments help achieve that in a number of ways.

While backing up data is a commonly accepted best practice among nearly all organizations, it’s important to recognize the value of always keeping a copy of backups offsite as well. That’s because hardware or software failures can corrupt data and you could easily lose all of your local backups in an outage or failure with no chance of recovery—a potentially devastating event.
Benefits of offsite data protection and recovery:

  1. More reliable – Offsite backup provides for an automated way to protect your local backup data on a daily basis, or according to a desired schedule. Because backup copies are stored offsite in another physical location or in the cloud, you have “insurance” that critical data will be available for recovery if and when needed.
  2. Reduces workload – Traditional offsite backup solutions require a substantial amount of time to manually back up or copy files to tape or removable disk and then transport them to another location. This is both time consuming and highly inefficient. Many offsite backup solutions can be initiated and maintained with a few clicks and automatically scheduled once the initial transfer of backup data is completed.
  3. Secure – Storing data offsite is getting more secure, especially among cloud providers. To ensure that backup data is transmitted securely, most solutions use advanced encryption tools, and offsite cloud facilities are protected with the latest in network and host security technologies.
  4. Saves money – Using tape or removable media storage solutions can be very costly as data storage grows, especially if you have numerous computers with large amounts of data that you back up regularly. Offsite backup solutions, in the cloud for example, are billed on a monthly-basis and can support a near unlimited amount of backup storage at relatively low cost.

If you don’t have a secondary site to store backups, choosing a cloud or removable media offsite backup approach can serve as your disaster recovery strategy. If for any reason a disaster strikes your primary location (a fire or flood) your data is protected and available for recovery.

This is when PHD Virtual’s CloudHook comes into play as it is ideal for backing up directly to the cloud!

PHD Virtual CloudHook enables a PHD VBA to backup directly to cloud storage. You can use cloud storage as your main backup storage target, and avoid managing backup storage completely. Or, for a more robust data protection strategy with faster RTO’s, you can use one PHD VBA to backup to local storage, and another VBA to backup to cloud storage for an offsite copy of your backups. Once the initial backup is made, PHD delivers a fast, efficient means of backing up VMs over the Internet. And with Rollback Recovery, you can recover full VMs from cloud storage in just minutes because it only transfers changes between the existing VM and the cloud backup data.

CloudHook comes as a built in option with PHD Virtual Backup and Recovery for VMware or Citrix and installs in a matter of minutes. You simply set up a VBA for your cloud backups with a choice of cloud storage providers such as Google, Amazon, Rackspace or any OpenStack/Swift enabled provider. With just one click from your hypervisor console, you can then backup your VMs locally as well as to your off-site storage provider.

PHD Virtual CloudHook is super easy to install and configure too! Check out this video to see for yourself!

Find out more and try it for free at PHD Virtual’s CloudHook Product Page!


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