The Importance of Company Values to Unitrends

In my inaugural blog post at Unitrends, I’m going to talk about company values.  Unitrends values.  Mark has already written blog posts about our vision and mission; the Unitrends values support those, but values are so much more.  Values are what we stand for; they are our core identity of our company, they are the foundation of a great team.  Unitrends values are the most important tool we have regarding how we treat our most important constituencies: our customers, partners, and employees.  We use our values every day as a guide: to make decisions, to help work with our partners and customers, and keep us aligned as employees, partners, and customers.

I joined Unitrends in August of 2016 to lead the company in its next phase of growth.  With the deep belief that great teams win, I used some time on the beach prior to joining to think about how we could build a great company that makes a difference and creates a legacy; and I began to write down the values that I thought could provide that foundation.  As I spoke to more and more Unitrends team members, it became clear that their values were in line with what I believed could be the foundation of Unitrends.   Immediately upon joining Unitrends, I shared the values I had written down with the team and we now discuss how to apply them as a team on a daily and weekly basis.

Without further ado, Unitrends values are

  • Delight our buyers, customers, and partners.
  • Be competitive and team oriented.
  • Relentless execution
  • Be transparent and accountable.
  • Offer solutions not excuses.
  • Be contagiously enthusiastic.
  • Everyone sells.

The most important value – to delight our customers – was self-evident as I was evaluating the company.  I saw that every morning every employee in the company got a report consisting of every customer case survey with customer satisfaction, (the % of surveys returned with the highest score possible), and the NPS (Net Promoter Score) that each customer reported.  The heart of every successful company with which I’ve ever been involved starting with that value.

Over the next few weeks, I’m going to write a separate blog post for each of our core values discussing each in turn.  To be clear, these values are what we expect from each other at Unitrends.  These are the values that every one of our partners can expect from Unitrends.  And these are the values that every one of our buyers and customers can and should expect from Unitrends.  From every single person associated with Unitrends.  They are the promise of doing business with this company; and they are the bedrock of what we do each day, every day.

Please don’t hesitate to let me know your thoughts; either in the comment section of the blog or by writing to me directly at [email protected].


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